About St George's
St George’s Church is located in a wonderful setting at the eastern edge of the village, in an elevated position, and adjacent to open farmland. The churchyard is well maintained with some mown areas and other areas in which we encourage a natural habitat.
At St George’s, we offer a welcome to all within our community, and we provide a welcome pack giving details of our church activities to all new comers to the village. The church is used for weddings, baptisms and funerals and concerts, and each spring we participate in the Thriplow Daffodil Weekend.
We welcome children and young people to all our services and we have very strong links with the Thriplow Church of England Primary school.
Fundraising is an important part of our parish life, as well as being good social occasions. For more information see our calendar of events.
Our links with the school mean that we takes an assembly in the school roughly fortnightly and lead a communion service in the school at the beginning of each half term. The school holds a service in the church at Easter, Harvest and Christmas and classes visit the church as part of their learning and we hold demonstration Baptism and Wedding services for them, which they greatly enjoy.
The site of the church has been used as a burial ground since before 1200 B.C. and evidence of 11 cremation burials dating from the late Bronze Age were discovered in 1953/54 when a large tumulus just to the south east of the Churchyard was excavated.
The building of the church was started by the Normans in the early 1100’s and most of what we see today is from the late 13th century. It is a cruciform church, built of Barnack stone, clunch (chalk blocks) and flint. There are signs of Norman work on the south outside corner of the North transept. In both Transepts are Early English lancet windows and outside the east window are signs of work of the same period.
Much more information on the history of the church can be found in ‘Some Interesting facts about St George’s Church, Thriplow’ and ‘The Church of St Georges or All Saints in Thriplow’ by G O Vintner, M.A., J.P, as well from the Thriplow Society via the link below
Children & Families
Children’s Church
Children’s Church meets during all our main services. The children go to their own activities after the first hymn where they engage in learning, craft and games around the same theme as is being explored in the Service.
Our activities are suitable for children from the ages of 4 to 11 but parents are invited to accompany their babies or toddlers to join with the other children in the South Transept where they can play safely.
Messy Church
We combine with St Mary’s Fowlmere for Messy church which meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at St Mary’s. Messy Church is an opportunity for parents and children to meet and worship together in an engaging and fun filled way. There are craft activities, treasure hunts, games, food and storytelling time where the children and parents have time together to worship God.
Who to contact
Our rector is the Rev’d David Lee – see the Contact page for details.
The Churchwarden responsible for St George’s is Mrs Elizabeth Moore who you can call on 01763 208735 or email at elizabeth.williams3579@gmail.com.
Repairs and Renovations at St George’s Church
In June 2021 repair work commenced to the chancel and vestry areas of the church.
The first phase of the work to the Chancel included conservation repairs to stonework and the replastering of the low level walls, and overhaul and repairs to the rainwater goods. Investigations and improvements were carried out to improve the external drains, and the priest’s door was redecorated.
The second phase of the work is the cleaning and repairs to the chancel windows and the redecoration of the external ferramenta.
The Chancel repairs were financed by Peterhouse College of Cambridge University who are the Lay Rectors of St George’s Church.
The Vestry repairs have included the repair and redecoration of the rainwater goods and the redecoration of the vestry door.The rainwater goods are elaborately decorated Victorian cast iron pattern, as can be seen in the photograph.
The vestry repairs were completed with the aid of a grant of £7720 from the Ironmongers Company whose aim is to support Iron Projects for the restoration of historic ironwork or creation of new decorative work in iron or steel.
A grant of £1500 and a loan of £16000 has been received from Cambridgeshire Historic Churches Trust (Cam HCT), to support this work.
Cam HCT offer grants and loans to help congregations look after their historic places of worship. It’s main source of income, apart from membership, is the annual ‘Ride and Stride’ event. Each September sponsored cyclists and walkers visit churches, chapels and colleges throughout Cambridgeshire, sharing the money raised between the Trust and their local church.
Details of the Trust’s work can be found using the link below
Thriplow Regular Services
Rotating around the four churches when there is a fifth Sunday in a month, at the usual worship time for each church. For more details check our calendar.
St Mary's, Fowlmere
St Laurence's, Foxton
All Saints, Shepreth