St Mary's Church


St Mary’s Church, which dates back to the 12C, enjoys a prominent position at the centre of the village. The church has a regular and active congregation who worship together regularly and who aim to serve the village.

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St Laurence's Church


St Laurence’s Church has stood at the centre of the village of Foxton for the past 1000 years and is still attended today by a small but active congregation of worshippers.

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All Saints Church


All Saints is an historic 12th century church which is in regular use today with a small but active congregation.

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St George's Church


St George’s is an historic 12th century church which is in regular use today with a small but active congregation. Our congregation covers all age ranges and young families are well represented amongst our members.

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The Four Church Benefice is a group of village churches in South Cambridgeshire comprising of St Mary’s Fowlmere, St Laurence’s Foxton, All Saints’ Shepreth and St George’s Thriplow.

We aim to reach out to every member of our community offering them occasions to meet with God within our worship and life together, to take opportunities to explore their faith and to receive support and help during the milestones on life’s journey.

Do please contact our rector, the Revd. David Lee, by email  ( or telephone 01223 872923 should you need pastoral support or would like him to pray for anything that is concerning you.

Three of our churches are open for individual private prayer during the week (sadly it isn’t possible for Shepreth Church to be open) and we normally worship fortnightly at each church. For fuller details go to the Calendar Events Section. We have networks of people providing help where needed and we can put you in touch with the right people to support you.


Next Sunday (November 3rd)

join us at

9.30am Holy Communion with Children’s Church at St George’s Thriplow

11.00 am Morning Worship at All Saints’ Shepreth.

3.00pm  Service of Hope and Remembrance at St Laurence’s Foxton

Holy Communion from Foxton








What's Going On?

Getting married in the Four Church Benefice

Some good reasons for getting married in the church:

  • A wedding is one of life’s greatest moments
  • A time of solemn commitment as well as good wishes, feasting and joy
  • A public and life-long covenant, declared and celebrated in the presence of God and before witnesses

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