

Morning Prayer via Zoom

via zoom
18/02/2025 9:00 am

Join us for the Church of England’s Daily Prayer.  We share the leading of this, the readings and a time to pray for the world,...


Men’s Breakfast

Foxton Village Hall CB22 6RN
08/03/2025 8:30 am

Join us for breakfast, a chinwag with friends & our guest speaker, 8:30 to 10:00am

Messy Church

St Mary's, Fowlmere
12/03/2025 3:15 pm

Join us for food, fun activities and simple worship for the family

Coffee Morning in Shepreth

Diana & David's, 55 Fowlmere Road FOXTON
13/03/2025 10:30 am

Do come and join us for our coffee morning with good company and a chance to catch up with friends

Regular Services

1st Sunday
10:15 am
Communion with Children’s Church
St George's, Thriplow
2nd Sunday
10:15 am
Communion with Children’s Church
St Mary's, Fowlmere
3rd Sunday
10:15 am
Communion with Children’s Church
All Saints, Shepreth
4th Sunday
10:15 am
Communion with Children’s Church
St Laurence's, Foxton
5th Sunday
10:15 am
Four Church Communion
Rotating around the four churches when there is a fifth Sunday in a month, at the usual worship time for each church. For more details check our calendar.
St George's, Thriplow
St Mary's, Fowlmere
St Laurence's, Foxton
All Saints, Shepreth

Keep up to date with our latest sermons and notice sheets