About St Mary's
St Mary’s Church has an active and committed congregation who worship together regularly and who aim to serve the village. There are currently three services each month and a Celtic communion on alternate fourth Sundays. The services are Morning Prayer, Holy Communion and All Age Worship.
Children and families are very welcome in our church. Children’s church is led by a member of the PCC and supported by other parents. It takes place whenever there is a Sunday service in the church – apart from the All Age Worship Service.
We encourage families to bring children for baptism, and to remember their baptism anniversaries during family services with lighted candles.
Musical outreach is very important to St Mary’s – in addition to singing at communion services and Morning Prayer, our choir sing at evensong in other parishes and participate in joint services with United Reformed Church in Fowlmere. The choir also sing for weddings and singers from other parishes and denominations join our choir for the Good Friday service of music. We participate in Diocesan festivals and Archdeaconry events and we host “Come and Sing” events with ACCMS.
The church was built in the 12th Century. The north and south transepts were added in the 14C to create the present cruciform. The central tower, built in stages between 13C & 15C, contains 5 bells that can no longer be pealed. The chancel features a 13C piscina and the Mitchell family tomb & monument dated 1745. There is a beautiful Victorian Te Deum stained glass window and a 15C wooden screen in the chancel.
Annexed to the South Transept there is a modern WC and washbasin suitable for the disabled. The church has an up-to-date sound system including 8 microphone points and 5 wall-mounted speakers. The church can accommodate a congregation of approx. 150 but with extra chairs, at the annual Christmas Carol Service, capacity can be increased to over 200.
A major outstanding project is the interior restoration of the entire church which involves exposing and restoring stonework and repairing / lime-washing the plasterwork. There are also projects to install a stronger guard for the stained glass window in the chancel and to install glass in the North Porch windows to provide protection from bad weather when visitors enter and leave the church.
A detailed survey followed by possible restoration of the prayer panel high on the east wall of the nave is also being undertaken.
Children and Families
Children’s Church
Children are very welcome at St Mary’s. There are Children’s activities during the Sunday morning service.
We all join together with the congregation to sing the first hymn, before having our own session of bible stories, crafts and games based on the readings and theme of the main service.
Children of all ages are very welcome to join us, and parents / carers are welcome to stay for the session if they wish.
On the 3rd Sunday of each month we all worship together as a Church family in our Worship for All service.
Messy Church
On the second Wednesday of most months St Mary’s gets messy!
We meet after school from 3.00 ‘til 4.45pm for a selection of at least 5 messy crafts and activities all based on a bible theme. We share tea and delicious cakes before joining together for the bible story and worship. Children of all ages are welcome with their families.
For more details of Children’s Church and Messy Church please contact Liz Nottage – liz@nottagagriculture.co.uk or just come along!
The Shoe Boxes after blessing and waiting to sent off 15th November 2020A big thank you to EVERYONE for your wonderful and generous support of the Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box Appeal despite this difficult year. We have had donations of money, books, also box filling toys and we have 24 filled boxes for collection (after December 5th, restrictions permitting). I know of at least 7 boxes that have been “packed” online this year. It is very easy to do AND it is still not too late. Simply visit: shoeboxonline.org.uk, select from a range of gifts and they will be packed and sent for you.During this time of fear and uncertainty it is important we let children across the globe, who have so very little in their difficult lives, know that they are thought of, loved, and that somebody cares about them. With our boxes, we are sure to bring to some rays of sunshine and many smiles of joy and happiness to the children who receive them.Many thanks and blessings to you all in these difficult times,Barbara Coates
Fowlmere Regular Services
Rotating around the four churches when there is a fifth Sunday in a month, at the usual worship time for each church. For more details check our calendar.
St Mary's, Fowlmere
St Laurence's, Foxton
All Saints, Shepreth