
A collection of sermons preached  at our four churches

Sunday 1st September 2024: Love God not Religion

Sunday 4th August 2024: I am the Bread of Life

Sunday 28th July 2024: Lessons from the 5,000

Sermon Series: King David

Week 9:  Sunday 11th August 2024: Lessons from King David

Week 8: Sunday 21st July 2024: The Kingdom of God is already here

Week 7: Sunday 14th July 2024: Worship

Week 6: Sunday 7th July 2024: Avoiding Unbelief

Week 5: Sunday 30th June 2024: Faith through examples

Week 4: Sunday 23rd June 2024: David and Goliath

Week 3: Sunday 16th June 2024: What went wrong with King Saul?

Week 2: Sunday 9th June 2024: Israel demands a king

Week 1: Sunday 2nd June 2024: Samuel’s and our calling


Sunday 26th May 2024: Being born again with water and spirit

Sermon Series: The Life and Ministry of Jesus

Week 20: Sunday 19th May 2024: The Power of the Holy Spirit

Week 19: Sunday 12th May 2024: Jesus’ last day on earth

Week 18: Sunday 5th May 2024: The last 40 days

Week 17: Sunday 28th April 2024: Staying close to Jesus

Week 16: Sunday 21st April 2024: I am The Good Shepherd

Week 15: Sunday 7th April 2024: Jesus appears to his disciples

Week 14: Sunday 31st March 2024 (Easter Day): a new beginning – available to everyone

Week 13: Sunday 24th March 2024: The triumphal entry to Jerusalem

Week 12: Sunday 17th March 2024: Why worship matters

Week 11: Sunday 10th March 2024: Celebrating Mums

Week 10: Sunday 3rd March 2024: Church Matters

Week 9: Sunday 25th February 2024: Why would God kill his only Son

Week 8: Sunday 18th February 2024: Why Baptism Matters

Week 7: Sunday 11th February 2024: You don’t have to understand everything

Week 6: Sunday 4th February 2024: Once upon a time, and then what

Week 5: Sunday 28th January 2024: What is Candlemas all about

Week 4: Sunday 21st January 2024: Praying for a miracle

Week 3: Sunday 14th  January 2024: Come and See – John the Baptist and the First Disciples

Week 2: Sunday 7th January 2024: When did Epiphany happen and those Magi

Sunday 31st December 2023: Children of God  (revd Angela)

Sunday 17th December 2023: The fruit of repentance  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 10th December 2023: Making the way straight  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 3rd December 2023: The 3 Comings of Advent  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 26th  November 2023: Knowing God and his power in us  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 19th November 2023: God’s entrepreneurs  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 12th November 2023: From Darkness to Light  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 5th November 2023: The importance of the Beatitudes (Rev’d David)

Sunday 29th October 2023: Passion and purpose  (Rev’d Angela)

Sunday 22nd October 2023: Following the right examples  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 15th October 2023: From Faith to Discipleship  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 8th October 2023: Welcome to the family of God  (Rev’d David)

Sinday 1st October 2023:  True obedience  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 24th September 2023: The eccentric employer  (Revd Angela

Sunday 17th September 2023: The cost of forgiveness  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 10th September 2023: God’s glory made known in Christ    (Revd Angela)

Sunday 3rd September 2023: What Peter taught us  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 27th August 2023: Who do you say that I am  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 20th August 2023: Irepressible Faith  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 13th August 2023: He’s walking on the water! (Revd Angela)

Sunday 6th August 2023: Loving like Jesus  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 30th July 2023: The value of the Kingdom (Revd Angela)

Sunday 23rd July 2023: Seeds and Weeds (Rev’d David)

Sunday 16th July 2023: The soils and the seed  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 9th July 2023: True wisdom revealed  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 2nd July 2023: The reward of ministry  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 25th June 2023: Do not be afraid  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 18th June 2023:  Jesus sends his disciples out  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 11 June 2023:  All Change?  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 11th June 2023: Merycy not sacrifice (Revd Angela)

Sunday 4th June 2023: The Three in one God  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 28th May 2023: The Holy Spirit – use it or lose it  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 21st May 2023: What is on your heart  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 14th May 2023: Just Pray  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 7th May 2023:  Called to service  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 30th April 2023: Living with Jesus – joyfully  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 23rd April 2023:  Using words wisely  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 16th April 2023: The risen Christ – the healer  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 9th April 2023 (Easter Day): God’s plan came together  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 9th April 2023 (Easter Day): The meeting in th garden  (Revd Angela)

Friday 7th April 2023 (Good Friday) : Separation and Access – the cross   (Revd Angela)

Sunday 2nd April 2023: Faith and Works (Rev’d David)  Week 5 of our sermon series on the letter of James

Sunday 19th March 2023: Religion is not a dirty word (Revd David) Week 3 of our sermon Series on the letter of James

Sunday 19th March 2023:  The word that goes to work  (Revd Angela  All Age Talk)  week 3 of our sermon series on the letter of James

Sunday 12th March 2023: The snares of the world and the gift of God  (Revd Angela) Week 2 of Sermon Series on the letter of James

Sunday 5th March 2023: Training and Believing – according to James the brother of Jesus  (Rev’d David) – Beginning of sermon series on the Letter of James

Sunday 26th February 2023 :The testing of Jesus  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 19th February 2023: Climb every mountain  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 12th February 2023: Rules or intentions  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 5th February 2023: God doesn’t want leaders of the Opposition  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 22nd January 2023: Called to be . . . a Christian  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 15th January 2023: Telling the Good News  (Revd Angela)

Sunday 8th January 2023: What a privilege  (Rev’d David)

Sunday 1st January 2023:  Jesus saving us   (Revd Angela)

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