Contact Us

Have an enquiry? We’d love to hear from you.

Enquirers and New Christians

For all church, service and Christian Faith enquiries, please contact the rector Rev’d David Lee

by telephone  01223 872923

by mobile (voice or message)  07895 378724

by email or use the link below.

Email Rev'd David

How to Find Us

Check out where to find us on The Church of England website:

Disabled Access

St Mary’s Fowlmere, All Saints’ Shepreth and St George’s Thriplow all have step free access into their building. St Laurence’s Foxton has a ramp that can be deployed to enable wheelchair access and we are always pleased to help with this.

All of our churches have accessible toilet facilities and baby changing equipment. They also all have hearing loops, though in some of the buildings this is in certain areas of the church only. Please ask us where this is.

Enquire about accessibility

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